Refund Policy

We guarantee a money-back within 30 days from the date of payment for any package.

This means that you can request a refund of the money spent on any package if the product does not work as described in the description.

You pay for using the My Site Boost Service functions and are eligible for a refund within 30 calendar days of payment.

A refund is made if the product is damaged, defective, or does not work as described, and you have granted access (remote desktop control / ftp / ssh / admin panel accesses – one or more different ones may be required) to check and fix, but the development team at cannot solve your problem.

We will not process refunds on a transaction in one or more of the following cases:

– The customer downloads the product on an unsupported platform, server, or environment.

– The client requests a feature that is NOT shown in the description.

– The client had a problem with the product, but he never contacted the support service and / or refused to provide the necessary access for verification and correction.

– The customer purchased the product more than 30 days ago.

Before purchasing any of the packages on, be sure to check all product specifications and research the description, by making a purchase you accept the terms of the Refund Policy and the Services of Use.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the support service in a convenient way for you – write us a message or call us (contact form “Contact us”).